Monday, December 11, 2006

Crazy Horse, Thailand

Crazy Horse is a crag about 25 KM from Chiang Mai near a little village Mae On. The climbing is wide and varied and covers many grades. However at each level there is probably one enough routes for 6 or 7 days. After 6 days climbing we have exhausted almost all the 5, 6a's and 6b's.

The easy way of getting to Crazy Horse is by using one of the climbing shop's bus service. The drive you there and bring you lunch. However, we wanted independence, so hired a motor bike for v. cheap. We had to watch out for the crazy driver, though. They do tend to stick to their lanes and sometimes indicate, but they never look and will cut across you at any moment.

It is not worth buying the guide book as it is relatively expensive and there is too much advertisment. However, you can hire it at one of the shops and photocopy the revelant pages.

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